The Fosters is an American family drama television series that airs on the ABC Family network in the United States and ABC Spark in Canada. The series follows the lives of the titular Foster family, consisting of a lesbian couple (portrayed by Teri Polo and Sherri Saum) raising a multi-ethnic blended family of biological, adopted and foster children (portrayed by David Lambert, Maia Mitchell, Jake T. Austin/Noah Centineo, Cierra Ramirez, and Hayden Byerly).
The series was created by Peter Paige and Bradley Bredeweg, who also serve as executive producers alongside Jennifer Lopez for her production company Nuyorican Productions in association with ProdCo Original, Blazing Elm Entertainment and ABC Family Original Productions. The first season premiered on June 3, 2013, and concluded on March 24, 2014. The second season premiered on June 16, 2014.