Monday, August 31, 2015

Bechtol, Kelli (TTh) Scrotal Recall 100

Though burdened with an awful name, Scrotal Recall is a six episode British comedy that originally aired on the British station Channel 4. It is now booked as a "Netflix Original" show. The main character Dylan finds out he has an STD and has to find a way to get in touch with all the girls he has slept with in the past to tell them the news. He is accompanied by his two best friends, Evie and Luke. The show is a clever and funny take on a friendship sitcom. The episodes jump back and forth from present to past, showing many hilarious flashbacks of Dylan's sexual encounters with women. The show's raw and honest sexual discussions and blunt observations about the life of a 20 something year old make it a refreshing show to watch.

Executive Producers: Andy Baker, Murray Ferguson, and Tom Edge