Thursday, August 27, 2015

Bonds, Nickolie (MW) Oddities 100

The show I chose is called Oddities. It premiered on the Discovery Channel and played on it's sister channel, The Science Channel. I however, found it while binging on netflix; so it's both a subscription-paid show as well as a advertiser-based network. The executive producers are David George and Brent Montgomery and the show aired in November of 2010

Oddities is a show that follows two Manhattan shop owners named Evan and Mike. The shop is called Obscura if that gives you an idea of what they sell. Evan and Mike, along with their buyer Ryan, go all around the city looking for the most odd keep sakes and nick-naks. On one episode you may see a fossilized cat and in another you may see an embalming machine from the old days. You can watch this show forhours because it never get's boring. You never know what Evan and Mike will find next. Along the way they give you a brief history lesson on whatever their dealing with. It's a way to learn about some things you may have never thought about.

I felt this clip was a perfect example on how it's more than just another pawn shop show, it's obscure.