Sunday, August 30, 2015

Ellis, Brett (MW) Batman: the Animated Series 100

Produced for television by Jean H. MacCurdy and Tom Ruegger, Batman:the Animated Series is an old stand-by for contemporary fans of the Batman franchise. The basic concept tells the story of Bruce Wayne, billionaire, playboy philanthropist and his crime-fighting alter-ego, Batman. Batman goes on villain of the day adventures, stopping old classic villains like the Mr. Freeze and Poison Ivy, but also fights villains original to the show, like Harley Quinn and Lock-Up. The story goes for a very film-noir look and is one of the few television programs that uses real guns and more gritty imagery. The variety of the villains and the creativity of the concepts makes for a great show for ages 12 and up and has aged very well throughout the years.