Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Laughlin, Nicholas (MW) Thank You and Sorry 100

Thank You and Sorry is a new docu-series that follows Bleachers frontman Jack Antonoff. The series is an original to Google Play, and features real events from tour life, and well as made up situations. Guest stars include girlfriend and Girls show runner Lena Dunham, Colin Quinn, and Olivia Wilde. Each episode focuses on a city from Bleachers tour and song from their album Strange Desire. We learn the inspiration for certain songs from the album and what it means to Antonoff. The web series has been nominated for a Streamy Award, and Antonoff plans to do this with every album Bleachers produces.

I think this series is a very different and interesting show. There is nothing else that is like it currently on television or any other streaming service. I think it could be an interesting way for artists to reach out to fans.

Link to series: https://play.google.com/store/tv/show/Thank_You_and_Sorry?id=86NguYU5xhM&hl=en
Link to preview: https://play.google.com/store/tv/show?id=86NguYU5xhM&cdid=tvseason-S2FSoTl3RQ_8CGfDI1I8SQ&gdid=tvepisode-9ojFmkgmOBA&hl=en