GCB is a series that aired in ABC in 2011. The series follows Amanda Vaughn as she adjusts to life back in her childhood home following the scandalous death of her husband. Amanda was a mean girl in high school, but she's changed; however, the women she used to terrorize don't believe her and they're out for revenge. I loved the series because it was incredibly witty and the cast was hilarious. The characters were well developed and the writers managed to highlight their flaws and strengths in character, making the "villains" of the show lovable. It starred Leslie Bibb, Annie Potts, Kristen Chenoweth, Marisol Nichols, and Miriam Shor. Unfortunately some people who never watched the series found it to be offensive because it was based on a book called "Good Christian Bitches" by Kim Gatlin. One Million Moms, an organization of stay at home moms who need a hobby, campaigned against the show and pressured several advertisers into pulling their ads from the show. The series wasn't renewed for another season and it ended on a cliff-hanger!
Producers: Andy Reager, Jim Klever-Weis and Veronica Becker
Executive Producers: Aaron Harberts, Aaron Kapling, Alan Poul, Darren Starr, Gretchen Berg, Robert Harling, and Sarah Caplan
Production Company: ABC Studios, Darren Star Productions, and Kapital Entertainment