In this supernatural crime series, Seth Gecko and his violent, unpredictable brother, Richard "Richie" Gecko, are wanted by the FBI and Texas Ranger Freddie Gonzalez after a bank robbery left several people, including policemen and Gonzalez's mentor Texas Ranger Earl McGraw, dead. Heading for the Mexico border pursued by Gonzalez, the Geckos encounter former minister Jacob Fuller and his family, whom they take hostage by commandeering the Fullers' RV. Drug lord Don Carlos reroutes them to a strip club populated by vampires that all must fight until dawn in order to survive. From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series was developed by Robert Rodriguez, based off of his successful movie, From Dusk Till Dawn. The series deepens the tone and expands the storyline of the film, adds new characters and backstories and explores the Mesoamerican mythology behind the creatures inside the club. The series premiered on March 11, 2014, on Rodriguez's newly launched channel, El Rey. Outside the United States and Latin America, the series is marketed as a Netflix original. It is being produced by FactoryMade Ventures in association with Miramax and executive produced by Rodriguez.