Based off the Japanese shojo manga written by Naoko Takeuchi, this anime series revolves around the magical and action-filled adventures of a school girl named Serena. She learns that it is her destiny as the legendary warrior to become Sailormoon and to join the good forces of the Sailor Soldiers to defend the Earth and Galaxy against the Dark Kingdom. Her mission is to find the Moon Princess, whom she sworn to protect, while saving the world and passing all her classes in school. Her identity as Sailormoon must be kept secret. Along the way of her adventures, she gets advice from two talking cats, Luna and Artemis, and help from a mysterious masked man named Tuxedo Mask. Originally airing in Japan on TV Asahi in 1992, Toei Animations created an overall of 200 episodes, plus specials and films. They then decided to produce an English dub television series and aired this on CartoonNetWork's Toonami in 1998.
Executive Producers: Atsutoshi Umezawa (Toei Animation) and Takuya Matsushita (Kodansha)