REIGN is produced by CBS Television Studios and Whizbang Films/Take 5 Productions with executive producers Laurie McCarthy ("The Ghost Whisperer"), Frank Siracusa ("Beauty And The Beast"), John Weber ("Beauty And The Beast"), Brad Silberling ("Moonlight Mile") and Harley Peyton ("Dracula"). The series stars Adelaide Kane ("Teen Wolf") as Mary, Toby Regbo ("One Day") as King Francis, Torrance Coombs ("The Tudors") as Bash. Over the course of the stormy first season, Mary, Queen of Scots, struggled to balance her many roles — as Queen of Scotland, as royal fiancĂ©e, and later as young wife to the future King of France, and as faithful friend to her ladies in waiting. Challenges come in every form: the reigning queen consort of France, Francis' mother, Catherine de Medici, does everything she could to destroy the union of Mary and Francis, even if that meant taking Mary's life. Francis and Mary were both torn by their duties to their nations.