The Flash is an upcoming superhero fiction/action television series developed by writers and executive producers Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, and Geoff Johns. The series will be aired October 7 on the CW. The show is a spin off to Arrow, which will share the same universe. It is centered on the popular DC Comic character Barry Allen/ The Flash, who witnessed his mother murder and his father being wrongly accused. Upon a mission to uncover the truth about the murder of his mother, Allen gets struck by lighting and enters a coma. After waking up, he discovers that he has the ability to move at superhuman speed. With his new ability, he is determined to protect his city and bring justice upon the murder of his mother. Reasons to be excited about The Flash, is that DC Entertainment has had a good track record when it comes to their television series like Arrow and Smallville, and this will be the first time that we get to see a live action adaption of
The Flash. The show has not come yet, but I can tell that it will be better than that Green Lantern film.