Stephen Merchant, co-executive producer of The Office, brings his newest show to HBO playing an Englishmen trying to find love in Los Angeles. What could go wrong? Well as you watch the show you discover that everything could possibly go wrong for Merchant's character, Stuart Pritchard. Pritchard will do anything and I mean anything to land dates with beautiful women. Pritchard is a geeky, awkward web designer that just can't catch a break, but it's at his own doing. He constantly puts himself in humiliating situations and you would think he learned his lesson to not chase models. Obviously, he doesn't and continues to embarrass himself. If you've ever seen any of Merchant's shows such as The Office, An Idiot Abroad, The Ricky Gervais Show, or Life's Too Short then you'll definitely want to check out Hello Ladies because it's the same sort of concept where you have the protagonist put himself in awkward situations and the only thing you can do is sit and laugh. HBO did not renew the series for a second season, but they did want to air a special to wrap up the series. You can currently watch every episode from the first season on HBO Go.