The Haves and the Have Nots is a new television drama from the prolific writer, director and producer Tyler Perry. The show follows the complicated dynamic between the rich and powerful Cryer family and the hired help who work in their opulent Savannah, Georgia, mansion. Hanna Young (Crystal Fox) is the Cryers' maid and the matriarch of her family. Despite having no money, she has found other types of wealth through religion and virtue. She prides herself on her dutiful son, Benny (Tyler Lepley), the glue who helps keep the family together. Hanna does have one dark secret, however—her estranged daughter, Candace (Tika Sumpter), a manipulative opportunist who will stop at nothing to get what she wants. In a bizarre coincidence, Candace is shocked to find out that her newfound friend Amanda's father is Jim Cryer, the very man who has been paying her for sex and who also employs Candace's mother as his family's maid. Armed with this knowledge, the stage is set for what will be, in Candace's eyes, the opportunity of a lifetime.