Hemlock Grove is a Netflix original series. Netflix just recently released season two back in July so people can beige watch. The show is executive produced by Eli Roth, developed by Brian McGreevy and Lee Shipman, and is a production of Gaurmont International
Television. It is based on McGreevy's novel also called Hemlock Grove. The show examines the strange happenings in Hemlock Grove, a fictional town in Pennsylvania. Roman Godfrey, heir to the town's wealthy Godfrey family, befriends the town's newcomer, Peter Rumancek. Recent brutal murders in the town have stirred up rumors, and the two work together to shed light on the case while also hiding their own dark secrets. In this small town most of the income comes from the Godfrey Tower, which is ran by Olivia Godfrey who has secrets of her own. The Godfrey Tower is a hospital facility that does more than treat the sick. Season one and season two both follow different stories but still connect in a way. If you enjoy shows about supernaturals than Hemlock Grove is just for you. there is quite a bit of mystery in this show. Hemlock Grove takes a different approach to supernatural beings to a whole new level. This show can get quite graphic with gore, nudity
and sex scenes.
Season One https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkym1QIAsks
Season Two https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k83s7KtB8EI