Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Enerio,Nathan (TTH) Ajin 100

The show called Ajin has been featured on Netflix. In translation Ajin means demi-human. A boy named Kei Nagai has discovered that he is an immortal due to getting hit severely by a truck. Kei Nagai was shocked that he was not severely hurt and was surprised that he was still alive.  Throughout the series  he is wanted by the government. The government promises that nothing will happen to Kei  but in reality they want to use him and other "demi-humans" to conduct harmful experiments.  Kei Nagai has a childhood friend Kaito that he encounters which helps him stay safe from the government. Many Ajins are out seeking revenge against the government and Kei has to decide whether he wants to be a part of that. There is a man that the Ajins are after named Sato that is a part of the government that professionally kills and experiments on Ajins. 
