Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Cipriano, Valeria (TTH) The Therapist 100

On The Therapist, Dr. Siri Sat Sam Singh, a licensed therapist from Los Angeles, sits down with different known artists in the music industry for a 22 minute long therapy session. Each session with every different artist includes personal questions about their personal lives some with subjects about depression, rape, suicide, alcoholism, and drug abuse. This show talks about sensitive topics that we as an audience, don't get to hear or learn much about on regular television broadcasting. It gives viewers the opportunity to get to know these artists at a personal level, more than one would've learned about them from keeping up with their music, social media, or attending concerts. These artists that are often looked upon, are real people just like us that at times hide behind their feelings to portray a certain image of themselves for the media industry. Despite the money and fame, these celebrities still deal with life's challenges on a daily basis.