Monday, September 11, 2017

Cazar, Angelina (TTH) Santa Clarita Diet 100

Santa Clarita Diet is an original Netflix series. It is about a weird family bond between the mom, dad and daughter. Out of no where the mom Shelia woke up feeling not so great and threw up a great amount and discovered she threw up an unusual red glob. After that day everything has changed. She is described as dead, but undead and feels the complete opposite of what a dead person would feel. She feels more outgoing and want to do whatever her heart desires. She started off changing her eating habits from normal human foods, to now eating humans. Her family and herself are trying their very best to make changes to her new weird self. A.K.A the new zombie life. They now kill people to feed the mother so she can be "normal" and live their life as if nothing ever happened to them.