Thursday, September 8, 2016

Cambron, Nicholas (TTH) Limitless 100

Limitless, a TV series stars your average post college screw up, a 28 year old by the name of Brian Finch (Jake McDorman) who hasn't accomplished a lot in life yet. Until he discovers the brain enhancing drug, NZT-48. The drug gives one the ability to unlock the full potential of your brain which is used for good as long as good people have it that is. Brian falls into the hands of the FBI as a consultant. He must keep the drug a secret from just about everybody though, at least about some things and that includes the FBI. The senator, Eddward Morra (Bradley Cooper) holds the occasional shot that keeps Brian alive from the deadly side effects. The FBI find him so valuable because they believe he is immune to the side effects. The series is a direct sequel based on the 2011 film with the same name. Limitless was picked up by CBS on October 23,2015 for a full season of 22 episodes. The series turns into a maze of plot twist and turns with all the secrets.

Limitless - First Look