Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Villarreal, Jacob (MW) The Leftovers 10

The Leftovers is an HBO series that has just finished its second season. The show follows the original storyline from a novel by the same name written by Tom Perrotta. On October 14, 2011 140,000,000 people vanish out of thin air. While this is only 2% of the worlds population, the effect on the community was much larger. Characters struggle with the fact that no one knows exactly what happened. Some people have lost a loved one, some have lost multiple. Many believe that October 14 was the rapture of God and that those left on earth are ultimately screwed. This paranoia has led to a religious revolution unseen for many years that includes strange cult like groups around the country. The show mainly follows Kevin Garvey (Justin Theroux), an ex-cop who is trying to hold his small New York town community together, all the while he himself is quickly unraveling.

The show is exclusively on HBO and you are able to watch both full seasons on either HBOGO or HBONow. The shows main creator/executive producer is Damon Lindelof. Lindelof is know for producing other hit TV shows and movies such as Lost, Star Trek, Prometheus and World War Z. The other co-creator is of course the author of the original novel 'The Leftovers.' Other executive producers include Mimi Leder, Tom Spezialy and Peter Berg.

The Leftovers opening scene: