Sunday, January 29, 2017

Stephens, Bae (MW) Terriers

Terriers is about an ex-cop and his best friend that are engaged in an unlicensed private investigation business. The series shows some of the crazy adventures they go one and they stuff they'll put themselves through just for money. The show also portrays their personal lives. The ex-cop (Hank Dalworth) is divorced and a recovering alcohol. His best friend (Britt Pollack) lives with his girl friend and used to be a criminal. Terriers is shown on FX, but can also be found on Netflix. There is currently only one season out. The show was created by Ted Griffin, and stars Donal Logue, Michael Raymond-James, and Laura Allen. I think this show is worth watching because it shows an interesting perspective of a group of "detectives" that aren't exactly the most fit people for the job. They don't go about things in the most professional manner, and it presents a new twist to your typical cop show.