Monday, January 30, 2017

Garcia, Isabel (TTh) Friends With Benefits

Background Information: Friends With Benefits is a show that aired in 2011 on ABC about two friends hooking up while trying to find love in the dating world. No, they are not falling in love with each other but they do talk about their dates to each other which gets messy. Their friends have mixed emotions about this but through this drama true feelings are uncovered, that is until the show was discontinued after 12 episodes. Will Ben and Sara ever admit they have feelings for each other? Guess we'll never find out. The executive producer Brian Grazer did a great job of incorporating comedy into this series. I'm really surprised it didn't take off considering how hilarious it is. Each character is relatable in their own way and easily identifiable no matter where you are in life. The show is still on netflix and the trailer for season 1 is here: