Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Shi, Tiger (MW) If You Are the One 100

"If You Are the One" is a Chinese dating game show series based in Nanjing, China. Airing since 2010 on Jiangsu Television, and revised in 2017, the show gained popularity alongside a movie of the same title. The goal of this show is to help 24 single women find their match by standing behind a podium with blue lights with one man who will appear as the main star. It is similar to The Bachelor but the contestants might get a match with the single man on-site and not through rose ceremonies. If a woman declines the man, she will hit a button that will turn her light red, signaling a rejection. If all 24 women rejected him, he will leave without a date. The bachelor will communicate with 24 contestants and three hosts through three autobiography videos he submitted beforehand. There are no seasons for this show but it produced over 600 episodes so far. The current main host is Meng Fei with two hosts currently hiring. If a couple do match, there is a reward given by the hosts; usually a vacation package or luxurious items.