Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Garica, Yvette (TTh) The Righteous Gemstones 100

Danny McBride has done it again! You may know him best for his role in "East Bound and Down," or as the guy who ruins everything in "This Is the End." McBride not only produced the series but also created it with pal David Green. The show follows the "Gemstones" as they lead a multitude of people to salvation. The HBO series follows the similarities to super churches that we see in large venues such as arenas. McBride is from the south and comes from a family that works in the ministry. In a recent podcast with Dax Shepard, McBride speaks of how he wanted to make something that would relate to those family members. Some have been hesitant to watch because of fear that it's mocking religion. McBride would beg to differ. He insists that he is in no way making fun of the religion, only shedding light on the hypocrisy that can come with money and fame. By the end of episode 1, the series takes a dark turn and by episode 2, you will think to yourself, "NO FREAKING WAY!" As of right now, there are only 2 episodes. You can stream on HBO GO, NOW, or standard HBO.