Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Valladares, Lesslie (TTh) Paranoia Agent 50

Paranoia Agent is an anime by late Japanese director, Satoshi Kon. The story begins in Musashino, Tokyo, and follows a strange series of events in this thirteen-episode psychological thriller. A mysterious figure is causing massive upheaval in the otherwise peaceful society of Tokyo. Referred to affectionately as Lil Slugger, the public is captivated by this violent juvenile as he beats victims to near death with his crooked, golden bat. The story follows each of his victims, seemingly unrelated, yet there is a thinnest of threads to follow that connects each of them together. A thread that two detectives must find, as Lil Slugger terror on Tokyo heightens to extreme proportions. Paranoia agent is a social commentary on mental trauma, isolation, self-victimization, and the sick fascination society has with brutal acts of violence.  
