Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Mansell, Trevor (TTh) The League 100

The league is a comedy television series that used to be on Netflix but is now exclusively shown on Hulu. The league is about a very close group of friends that compete in a fantasy football league every year, in which a new season of the show brings a new season for the league also. There's not really a main character in the show, instead focusing on every member of the group equally which includes the likes of Ruxin, Pete, Taco, Jenny, Kevin and Andre. There is also another character known as "Shiva" who is a girl from their high school that they named the fantasy league's trophy over. The main plot to this show is everyone basically doing whatever they can to win the league and get their hands on the "Shiva", as well as clowning on each other in the process. I'd say it is a great show for college friends to watch together as it can be a bit inappropriate at times.
The link for the trailer is below!