Monday, February 16, 2015

Herbert, Samuel (MW) Live Wire! 100

Live Wire is radio variety for the attention span challenged. It's music from up-and-coming bands, original comedy, performance and scintillating interviews with writers, filmmakers, comedians and people who think cool thoughts. Hosted by Luke Burbank (Wait Wait Don't Tell Me, Too Beautiful to Live), the show is taped in front of a live audience in Portland, Oregon and is aired on public radio stations around the country.

They show is distributed by PRI and is accessible through podcast on their web sight or through podcast apps. They are broadcast on kut Austin Saturday's at 8pm. The show is a mix of This American Life and Wait,Wait,Don't Tell Me

Produced by: Courtney Hameister; Jason Rouse

The show is funded through donations mainly, but also is partially funded through ticket sales of live performances and merchandise. Live Wire! are a 501(c)3 non profit organization.