Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Mulderrig, Briana (MW) Gossip Girl 100

Gossip Girl is a Television Series with 6 seasons and is based off extremely wealthy families who live in New York. The families include very privileged teenagers who are from the upper east side and go to a very elite private school. There is a online website called "Gossip Girl" where a person posts all the gossip about these elite teenagers and how they live their lives. No one knows who this "Gossip Girl" is  and the posts that he/she makes. The posts control their lives and inform all of New York what each elite teenager is doing, especially this one girl whose name is Serena Van Der Woodsen who is the "it" girl and who everyone knows.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCg1RN-dyQk