Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Carter, Jared (MW) Kidding

Kidding is a fictionalized dramatic, comedy following the life of Jeff Pickles, a Mr. Rodgers-esque children's show host. Jim Carrey plays Jeff Pickles, a kind, neurotic, child-like man who hosts the largest and longest-running children's program in the world. Kidding follows Pickles shortly after the tragic death of his 14-year-old son and from there devolves into a character study of a saint-like man who struggles to deal with his own mental health while maintaining a positive, unbothered image for his famous TV show. With great production, directing, and creative editing, this is a very compelling series that may not receive as much recognition because it streams on Showtime. However, Showtime has given much creative liberty to its executive producers: Dave Holstein, Jim Carrey himself, and Jason Bateman (star of Arrested Development and Ozark). The second season can be caught airing this Sunday, February 9th on Showtime's streaming service or cable network. (The full first season is also on Showtime).
