"The Chef Show" is a spinoff Netflix original cooking show by Jon Favreau who is known for kickstarting the Marvel Cinematic Universe by directing "Iron Man"(2008), as well as working on "The Mandalorian"(2019), and "Chef"(2014). The show itself premiered on June 7, 2019 as a documentary-style cooking/ travel show presented by Jon Favreau and Roy Choi who originally collaborated on the film "Chef" as they travel around the U.S. to various locations where they collaborate with other cooking professionals and celebrities including Chef Wes Avila, Robert Downey Jr, Bill Burr, and Franklin's Barbecue's Aaron Franklin to showcase both unique new dishes as well as traditional dishes that can be found in the location they travel to. As of now, there are 2 seasons with a third season coming up on the 19th of February 2020.