Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Mitchell, Morgan "Mo" (TTH) Ellen's Design Challenge 10

Top 5 Reasons to Watch Ellen's Design Challenge on HGTV

Reason 5: There will be blood.
Yes, you read that correctly, there will be blood. I mean, why wouldn't there be? Time Crunch + Tools (specifically saws) = Blood.

Reason 4: It will inspire creativity.
When you watch someone do something cool, what is your first thought? I want to try.
When you see a cool piece of furniture, what is your first thought? I want that.
When you see 6 talented designers build something cool, what is your first thought? I can build that.
The truth: No, no you can't. But at least you can get inspired to finish that home improvement project you've been working on. Especially since this is a brand new show -> i.e. you can't binge watch, sorry Dr. England.

Reason 3: There will be conflict.
I feel like this is an obvious one, but being on HGTV, one wouldn't expect to see "Real World" type argument. False. Even in the first episode, chairs are thrown and yelling happens. It's oh so exciting.

Reason 2: It's fun for the whole family.
You can include even the little tykes when you play Ellen's Design Challenge Bingo. You don't even have to be design lingo savvy.

Reason 1: It has Ellen on it.
Hello?! The title says it all. Ellen's Design Challenge. Who doesn't like Ellen DeGeneres?

The show can be watched every Monday night at 8pm central time on HGTV.

You can view the trailer for the show here:

The show was created and produced by Ellen DeGeneres and is available on the HGTV channel.