Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Murray, Joshua (MW) I Am a Killer 100

I Am a Killer is a Netflix original series that debuted August 3rd, 2018 with 10 episodes, each about an hour long. The point behind the show is to share the stories of death row inmates about the event/tragedy that got them there. The show does a great job depicting the story through every angle of event. They start with the inmate on death row's story and allow them to explain how they believe it took place. Then they usually show you the district attorneys' angle with all the evidence and the account that's on record. Finally, they bring in anyone else who was involved that can help build the story: a first-hand witness, family members effected, the family member of the inmate. The show does an amazing job of letting the viewer make his or her own personal view just like if they were a juror on the stand.