Saturday, September 1, 2018

Ho, Kristy (MW) The Investigator: A British Crime Story 100

The Investigator: A British Crime Story is a British TV series first released in 2016. The series it self is played on ITV, which is a British documentary program. The 4 episode series talks about the major crimes that dates back to the 1980's. Mark William Thomas the investigator, focuses re-visits a case on the murder of Carole Packman. He is the main speaker of the series and attempts to unravel the disappearance of Packman by conducting multiple interviews with family and friends. Each episode goes in chronological order of the life of Carole leading up to her disappearance. Carole mysteriously disappeared in 1985 and a body was never found to determined her cause of death. There was enough evidence, however to prove that her husband, Russell Packman had something to do with it. He was sentenced a lifetime in jail for the disappearance of Carole Packman. Throughout the series you start discovering the truth of the death of Carole Packman.