Thursday, January 28, 2021

Elmore, Anna (TTh) Wandavision 50

Wandavision is a Disney+ exclusive continuing the storyline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. After the events of Marvel's Avengers Endgame, we find Wanda, The Scarlet Witch, and Vision in an idyllic 50's style sitcom. The two super-powered beings soon suspect that everything is not as it seems. Bouncing through the decades in each episode as well as subtle nods to classics like I Love Lucy and Bewitched this show definitely keeps your attention. What really makes this show worth the watch, however, are the small clues that show the audience what could really be going on in Wanda's now seemingly perfect life. Based on the comic book series House of M and The Vision, there are also plenty of easter eggs for comic book fans. Though the first season has not completed airing all episodes, at roughly 30 min per episode it is perfect binge-worthy material.